Monday, March 2, 2015

This has been an unusual cycle. My performance was hindered by a sprained wrist and a slight fever. I actually sprained my wrist while juggling. I wanted to get to 10 touches and when I took my 9th, the ball moved up and away from me. In a desperate attempt to get the 10th touch, I did a sort of bicycle kick/slide thing. Whatever it was, I landed with my wrist underneath me and sprained it. I did however, manage to achieve the goal of 15 touches in a single session. This is with the inflated ball. It took me a little time to bounce back after the hiccup caused by my "injury". I plan on devoting more time to juggling the soccer ball next cycle. I have already begun to practice my head and chest touches. My goals for next cycle are to get one successful head and chest touch. My criteria for a "successful" head/chest touch are the following:

  • At least three touches before the touch
  • At least one touch on each foot before the touch
  • Vertical ascent directly after the touch with the head/chest
  • At least three touches after the touch
  • At least one touch on each foot after the touch

This may seem like a lot but I achieve most of this while juggling normally, so it should not be an impossible goal. Most of these are to ensure that my head or chest touch was controlled. If I just hit the ball up in the air and it shoots sideways after my head touch, that is not a successful head touch. I need to be able to control the juggle of the ball, tap it up, settle it with my head, and regain control as it falls to my feet.

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